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🌱Combined Vowel 05 : ㅘ 본문

Consonants and Vowels/Combined Vowels

🌱Combined Vowel 05 : ㅘ

teacher.abby 2020. 7. 21. 15:45

'ㅘ' is a combined Korean vowel. It is combined with the biasic vowels 'ㅗ' and 'ㅏ'. It is diphthong, sounds /wa/. Simply think you pronunce 'ㅗ' and 'ㅏ' at the same time or 'ㅗ' first and then 'ㅏ' very quickly. It is very similar as 'twice[twais], quiet[ˈkwaɪət]' in English. 

Technically, 'ㅘ' can be written with any other consonant, but Korean words with 'ㅘ' vowel are quite few. Consonants 'ㄷ,ㄹ,ㅁ,ㅌ and ㅍ' are barely used with vowel 'ㅘ'. The ending consonants are also limited.



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