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Let's learn Korean

Hanguel has 21 vowels. Vowels, unlike consonants, can be used alone to form syllables. Vowels are formed with ' · ', 'ㅣ,' 'ㅡ' representing the sky, the human, and the earth respetively. In general, they are divided into monophthongs and diphthongs. In the picture above, 8 vowels (ㅏ,ㅓ,ㅗ,ㅜ,ㅡ,ㅣ,ㅐ,ㅔ) in the first line are monophtongs. Your mouth shape does not change when you pronounce these vowels..

If you decide to learn Korean but do not know where to start, learning Korean alphabet is a perfect way to begin. Let's start with consonants. There are 19 consonants in Hanguel. Even though they have their own sound(peonetic value), they are not able to be make sound alone but must be used with vowels to form syllable. ㄱ,ㄴ,ㅁ,ㅅ and o are the very basic consonants out of 19 consonants. The shpes ..

When you describe someone who is easily duped or cheated in Korean, you can say '팔랑귀'. It is a combination word of '팔랑'+ '귀'. '팔랑' means 'flutter' and '귀' means 'ear', so it means 'someone whose ears are too thin to easily fluttered with someone's advice or opinion. You can also say '귀가 얇다(ears are thin)', or '습자지 귀(ears as thin as writing papers). 🐻어? 이거 샀어? (Wait, did you buy it?) 🐹어, 어제.(Yeah..

There is a common phrase '김칫국 마시다.' in Korea, which means 'counting one's chickens before they hatch.'. It can be used at something good news or circumstances. Originally it comes from the old saying, '떡 줄 사람을 생각도 안 하는데 김칫국부터 마신다.", means 'Someone doesn’t even think about giving you a rice cake, but you already have drunk Kimchi soup.'. An interesting fact is, when this saying was made, Kimchi s..

These are Korean words for the washroom. 🧼 Tip : Usually, Korean does not have face towel, bath towel, or bath sheet in their home. We only use hand towel.

••• 내 방 폭탄맞았어! My room was bombed! ••• 내 방 돼지우리야! My room is a pigsty! When your room, or any other place is quite unorganized, you can say ‘돼지우리(pigsty)’ to describe your messy room, as same as ‘폭탄맞았어(bombed)’. I think 99% of Korean mom uses this expression when she is nagging to her child(ren) to clean their room, no matter how old they are. ;-) 🤯 딸아, 대한민국에서 네 방만 폭탄 맞았니? 아주 돼지우리가 따로 없구나. * I t..

You mean everything. :-) Basically, it signifies a listener, but It has 5 different meanings below. 1. 'You' is a pronoun that indicates a listener. But normally we don't use it for someone who is older than you, because of 4. 😊 당신은 누구십니까? / 당신 누구야? Who are you? 2. Between the married couple, 'You' is an honorific way to call each other(husband/wife). 😊 여보, 당신 지금 뭐 해? Honey, What are you doing n..

Have you tried yogurts in Korea? Korean yogurts get on the lid easily, so most of Koreans lick the yogurt on the lid when they throw the lid away. This ‘licking yogurt on the lid’ looks too frugal (but it is so common and natural!), and we are not as comfortable as in the Crazy Asian, so the meme has come, “The rich don’t lick the yogurt’s lid.’ We don’t use it as a phrase often, but it can be u..