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🌱Combined Vowel 04 : ㅟ 본문

Consonants and Vowels/Combined Vowels

🌱Combined Vowel 04 : ㅟ

teacher.abby 2020. 7. 21. 06:23

'ㅟ' is combied Korean vowel. It is combined with the biasic vowels ㅜ and l. Technically it is a monophthong, but allowed to pronounce as a double vowel. Originally, it sounds /y/. You can make your lips look like '우/u/' and pronounce '이/i/' with your tongue. Nowadays, many Koreans(including me!) pronounce this vowel both ways, simple vowel /y/, and /wi/ as similar to 'twist, whistle'.

I just use 귀~휘 for example, but you can write other letters with using last(ending) consonants.



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