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🌱Combined Vowel 01 : ㅐ 본문

Consonants and Vowels/Combined Vowels

🌱Combined Vowel 01 : ㅐ

teacher.abby 2020. 7. 7. 06:38

ㅐ is combied Korean vowel. It is combined with the biasic vowels ㅏ and l. Althought it is made with 2 vowels, it is a monophthong. It pronounces [ae], as similar as 'gAp, tAp, hyundAI'. 

I just use 개~해 for example, but you can made all the letters with last(ending) consonants.

pronunciation and examples of combined vowels ㅐ


Pronunciation of 개-해
Examples of 개-해



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