Let's learn Korean

👩‍🏫 7 Sound of The Last Consonant 본문


👩‍🏫 7 Sound of The Last Consonant

teacher.abby 2020. 6. 30. 05:12

Korean has 14 consonants. All pronounced its original sound when it comes to the initial consonant except 'ㅇ', but some letters lose its sound and change to the main pronounce letters when it comes to the last consonant.


7 sound letters of the last consonant are below.


 ㄱ- ㄱ, ㅋ
ㄴ - ㄴ
ㄷ - ㄷ,ㅅ,ㅈ,ㅊ,ㅌ,ㅎ
ㄹ - ㄹ
ㅁ - ㅁ
ㅂ - ㅂ, ㅍ
ㅇ - ㅇ

Here are expamples of pronounced.

각[각], 난[난], 닫[닫], 랄[랄], 맘[맘], 밥[밥], 삿[삳], 앙[앙], 잦[잗], 찿[찯], 캌[칵], 탙[탇], 팦[팝], 핳[핟]

As you can see, even words are witten with 'ㅈ,ㅊ,ㅋ,ㅌ,ㅍ,ㅎ' in the last consonant, it changes all to ㄱ,ㄷ, and ㅂ to pronounce. Don't worry about how to pronounce '삿갓, 짖다, 부엌, 꽃밭' anymore. Now you know it. :-)



*images from http://clipart-library.com/