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🌿 안녕하세요 is not [안녕하세요]. 본문


🌿 안녕하세요 is not [안녕하세요].

teacher.abby 2020. 6. 30. 13:06

**note** I usually use [  ] when I wrote how to pronounce words.


☀️ Most of learners pronounce ‘안녕하세요’ as [안녕하세요], and give an accent to ‘하’.

This makes un-natural. Apparently, ‘안녕하세요’ doesn’t have any accent. If it has, then ‘하’ is the very last one to give an accent.


Try to say [안녕아세요]. There is no space between these 5 alphabets, so say it straight without space.


If you still have difficult saying this, then try to say [안녕세요] fast. Koreans can hear the hidden ’하’. 😅


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